3D Facility Maintenance are your one stop shop to facility management and cleaning contracts
Get Smart About Your Facility Maintenance
Our aim is to permanently remove the day-to-day worries of keeping a workplace clean and safe for our clients, their patrons and employees.
We aim to attend and remove potential problems before you see them.

Personal and targeted approach
Provide quality outcomes to our clients and ensure the delivery of a superior clean
Represent value for money and offer cost savings
Provide suitable personnel to efficiently provide services and deliver a high standard of customer service
Evidence efficiency and a stead-fast approach to safety and environmental management
Why 3D Facility Maintenance?
Our purpose is to apply best known practices in all the work we undertake, believing that our clients will benefit from the knowledge that we apply and the work that we perform. Safety is at the core of our beliefs. This positive attitude to conducting safe work practices on every site as well as proper reporting and due diligence allows us to service our clients more productively and deliver the right outcomes.